Pure Blue

“From the day of inception, Akaryn Hotel Group has supported Mother Nature & continues to do so, by doing so, we respect and benefit the Local Communities in which we operate.

Anchalika Kijkanakorn” on Pure Blue Foundation.

Becoming an AKARYN partner in a branded property is a commitment to be part of the Solution and not the problem. Through the Pure Blue Foundation we ensure that the beauty of nature that we encroach upon is preserved for future generations. Our cooperations with the local communities of our locations, ensure a long term success for the enviroment and the greater good.

Each resort works in marine conservation and community action projects to beneft their destinations, from saving endangered marine turtles to restoring coral reefs and organic farming. We focus on education, instilling in the next generation an awareness of the fragility of ecosystems and a reverence for nature. Above all, we bequeath them the tools, knowledge and opportunities to help.

Central to our offering is that we practice responsible hospitality, which means we do not just talk the talk, but tirelessly walk the walk by strictly adhering to the environmental policies set at each resort to ensure it is run sustainably, effectively and effciently and in tune with nature.